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Human Rights Policy​


1    Policy Statement


Coachfluence is committed to upholding the highest standards of human rights across all areas of our operations and supply chains. We recognize our responsibility to ensure that we, along with our partners and suppliers, respect and promote human rights. 
Our policies explicitly prohibit any involvement with modern slavery, child labour, and the exploitation of conflict minerals. These commitments are integral to our operations and align with our core values of integrity, respect, and responsibility.


Specific Policies and Codes:

  • Human Rights in Business: Ensures respect for the rights of employees, clients, and communities affected by our operations.

  • Modern Slavery Act Compliance: Prohibits all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chain.

  • Child Labour Policy: Absolute prohibition of child labour in our operations and supply chain, adhering to the minimum age provisions of the International Labour Organization.


2    Public Availability


All our policies are publicly available to ensure transparency and accountability. They can be accessed via the following links on our corporate website:

  • Coachfluence Human Rights Policy

  • Coachfluence Modern Slavery Act Compliance Statement

  • Coachfluence Child Labour Policy




3    Awareness and Engagement


Coachfluence actively promotes awareness and understanding of these policies among all stakeholders, including employees, clients, suppliers, shareholders, and the communities where we operate. Our approach includes:

  • Internal Training and Workshops: Regular sessions are conducted to educate employees and contractors about human rights issues, their responsibilities, and how to report violations. Covered in orientation and onboarding.

  • Supplier Engagement: Suppliers are required to comply with our human rights standards, and we conduct audits and provide training to ensure adherence.

  • Client and Shareholder Communications: Information about our human rights policies is included in our client proposals and shareholder reports.


By implementing this human rights policy, Coachfluence commits to continuous improvement and accountability in promoting and protecting human rights within all spheres of our influence. This policy is reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and adapt to any changes in our business environment or global human rights standards.


4    Coachfluence Human Rights Policy


Purpose: Coachfluence is committed to respecting and promoting human rights in all aspects of our operations and across our supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment to conduct business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all legal standards and ensuring ethical practices.


4.1    Scope:

  • Ensure all operations and business practices respect international human rights laws and standards.

  • Prohibit discrimination, forced labour, unfair treatment, and violation of freedoms within the company and its business dealings.

  • Commit to transparency, accountability, and remedy any human rights abuses linked to our operations.

4.2    Implementation:

  • Training programs for employees to recognize, respect, and advocate for human rights.

  • Regular checks to ensure adherence to this policy.

  • A clear channel for reporting human rights violations, with protection from retaliation for whistleblowers.


5    Coachfluence Modern Slavery Act Compliance Statement


Purpose: At Coachfluence, we acknowledge our responsibility to ensure transparency within our organization and supply chain, actively preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking.


5.1    Scope:

  • Compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, ensuring transparency in our own business and in our supply chain.

  • Undertake due diligence processes to ensure working conditions in our supply chains meet the standards required by the Act.


5.2    Implementation:

  • Conduct assessments to determine the parts of our business and supply chains that are most at risk of modern slavery and take appropriate actions.

  • Require all suppliers and contractors to confirm compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.

  • Publish an annual statement on modern slavery, which will be available on our corporate website.

6    Coachfluence Child Labour Policy


Purpose: Coachfluence strictly prohibits the use of child labour in any stage of our product manufacturing or services. We adhere to the highest standards of child protection and welfare.


6.1    Scope:

  • No employment of individuals under the age of 15 or under the minimum age for completing compulsory education, whichever is higher.

  • Ensure legal working conditions that do not jeopardize the health, safety, or morals of young workers.


6.2    Implementation:

  • Verify the age of all employees before employment begins.

  • Educate our workforce about the harms of child labour and the importance of reporting violations.

  • Conduct regular audits of our facilities and suppliers to enforce this policy.

  • Cooperate with community initiatives designed to alleviate the need for child labor by supporting education and community investment programs.


If you have any question regarding the privacy policy, please contact us through the contact page.




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